
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Like Christianity, Jainism also has different denominations. There are two types of Jainism, Digambara meaning sky clad. And within this denomination there are different sects. Digambara’s belive that woman cannot achieve enlightenment without being reborn into a man. They believe this because woman cannot live a truly pure life, because they have to wear clothes because it is impractical for them to live naked. Digambara’s believed that Jinas have no bodily functions, live without food, and do not act in the world. Digambara’s munks live completely naked. This is because they believe that the life of a true monk has no worldly possessions, and by demonstrating indifference to earthly emotions such as shame. Digambara monks are not allowed any possessions, not even begging bowls they just have to use their hands. Digambara images of Tirthankaras have downcast eyes, and their pictures are very plain (BBC). Digambaras are very raw and try to strive to be the purest.
            The other denomination is Svetambara which means white clad. Svetambara monks can own few possessions unlike Digambara monks. They can have simple white clothing, a begging bowl, a brush to remove insects from their path, and books and writing materials. Svetambra’s images have prominate staring eyes. Svetambra’s images are also richly decorated. Svetambra’s worship is a lot more complex though. Nuns of both groups are clothed and they both belive that the same details of the life of Mahavira, rituals, and which texts to read. Also in svetambra woman are allowed to reach enlightenment (BBC). Personally Svetambara sounds like the sect. I would be in because it is more open minded.


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